Sunday, 29 December 2013

An Undying Thirst

For many of us living in the "first world" our concept of water is that it's too plain, tasteless and boring! Yet for our brothers and sisters living in the "third world", water is seen as none of the above. For many living in harsh and underprivileged conditions, a few simple drops of clean water can be the difference between heaven and hell.

How many of us lets the tap running when brushing our teeth? I know I do it! must I say I'm very ashamed and I stop the tap as soon as I realise what I'm doing. Yet doesn't it seem rather disturbing at how easy it is to just "forget" about the true value of water, what's even more disturbing is that during the time It takes for us to brush our teeth in the morning, thousands of people die of dehydration and thirst.

In society it's "normal" to say that everything will be alright in the end... even when we know that it won't! people tend to think that if we usher down the chaos, after a matter of time the chaos itself will usher down too, similar to a wailing child.After a period of time, the child will get exhausted and stop. Are you yet not feeling angry and shocked at what you've just read? if you are, then good, carry on reading because I am too and if not, c'mon I've just totally tried to dismiss the fact that millions of people are dying thirsty.

We can prevent unnecessary deaths with a simple plan.. A simple plan that requires GREAT effort. We need to make society understand what is happening around the world and together we can then raise awareness and be able to send aid to those in need. Send comfort to those in need and most importantly we would be able to let our poor brothers and sisters living in such horrible situations know that we care.

Here's a picture that just shows how a simple mouthful of water can completely change someone's life:)

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